Microscopes in stock:
2008 Zeiss EVO50 SEM --W SEM, new in-the-crates, large chamber
2001 Zeiss 1550 FEG SEM --High res FEG, refurb in progress
2000 FEI FIB 200 --Industry standard Ga FIB, ready for your demo!
Zeiss Supra 55 VP FEG SEM --Loaded FEG SEM, variable pressure
2000 Philips-FEI XL30 ESEM --W environmental SEM for Hi/Low vac work and charging samples
1999 Hitachi 4700 II --High res FEG, Oxford SDD LN2 free EDS available
Dual Beam FIB/SEM
2009 FEI Nova Dual Beam --Hardly used, refurbed. Sirion and Sidewinder!
1998 FEI Dual Beam 830 --Large chamber for wafers and small samples
2000 Zeiss 1540 CrossBeam Dual Beam --FIB/SEM with superior SEM imaging capabilities
2000 FEI Tecnai 12 Spirit TEM -- General purpose W TEM, bio-friendly
Philips CM12 --Numerous CM TEM options from FEG to W
FEI Tecnai 10 – Great scope, refurbed and ready for you!
JEOL 2010F – FEG with excellent resolution, BF/DF/STEM/Diffraction
JEOL 1200EX – Tungsten TEM, great for startup lab
JEOL 2100 -- Excellent W TEM. Cameras Available.